Sunday, February 28, 2010

Branching out...

I love trees in all seasons and in all settings, I love their lushness in summer, and the fragile beauty of the new leaves in Spring. I adore the autumn colours, and the sheer whimsy of Christmas trees. But when I maybe love them most of all is in winter, without any adornements, in all their stark beauty.
I love them for their graphic qualities...
For their framing abilities...
But maybe most of all for the fact that they almost, but not quite manage to conceal what is behind them...


  1. What beautiful photos in Paris Caroline! Did you have a good time and see new things? And I am excited that I can HEAR about them when we get together. :-)

    Hugs en groetjes ~

  2. Vooral in de lente vind ik bomen zo mooi . Als de knopen dikker worden en er nieuwe blaadjes te voorschijn komen!!!Heerlijk!

    Fijne week.

    Groetjes Thea

  3. Hihihi....dat zou niet gek zijn, als er knopen aan de bomen groeiden!!

    Kan ik altijd gebruiken, vooral van die mooie ouderwetse!!

  4. I love trees to - I wish they could tell the story of where they have stood for so long. xxx

  5. Caroline, I have to agree. I love trees too. Your first picture is my favorite. Neat post ;)

  6. So many lovely pictures!
    Thank you for the message about Melvin. He's been back to the vets for one check up and need another next week until he gets the all clear.
    Hope you are having a good weekend.
    Lisa x

  7. Either - youve been whisked off by some gorgeous Frenchman that you met in Paris, or you are too busy to entertain your bloggy friends. Hope you are ok - missing your posts. xxx
