Friday, May 22, 2009

A bit of vanity...

There is nothing like a bit of sunshine to make you understand that you need some colour in your life!
Yesterday I went to the hairdressers in Utrecht, and as I was there I also payed a visit to a woolshop there. I wanted some Rowan books and yarn, but they did not have any of the ones I wanted unfortunately. They did have a lot of half price end of the batch stuff, I will defenitely go back for that as I can do something with some of the stuff. However... I was not quick thinking enough at that time, which means I ended up a bit out of sorts as I was in the spending mood, and did not find anything to spend money on...
So... I ended up buying clothes. I know, I should not have, but there are times a girl just can only put up so much resistance. For years now I have been walking around in black/white clothes, with the odd bit of red, and a splash of, oh well, grey... I was just so bored with it, although I kept seeing some gorgeous black and white things. But... the sun was out and I was going to be strong! So I ended up with the tops and the two scarves which I particularly love. The colours may not seem very adventurous to some of you I guess, but it is a whole new departure for me, and, most importantly, they make me smile!

Hopefully you will find some colour this weekend, have a lovely one!

1 comment:

  1. Dus je woont in Utrecht hihihi.......
    Daar komt mijn hele schoonfamilie vandaan:)
    Ik ben er nog de vorige week gaan winkelen!!
    Daar hebben ze veel keus, ik koop me arm hihi..
    Leuk blogje,
    heeeeeeel veel groetjes (@^.^@)
